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How Do I Know If I Need Planning Permission?

How Do I Know If I Need Planning Permission?

Here are 4 key criteria questions to consider if you are considering any alterations or developments to your property.

However, it is not a straightforward question to answer, and Planning Application Services will be happy to help you with some advice regarding your plans.

1) Planning regulations vary depending on whether the property is semi-detached or detached

This relates to the different dimensions of the plot which the property is built upon. For example, how many floors are proposed? What is the aspect of the proposed development?

Street facing elevations generally need planning permission because they are visible to the public from the area outside the front of the property.

Additionally, the size of the area which you can use for your development is different for a semi-detached house which can be extended up to 3 metres whereas a rear extension on a detached house can be extended up to 4 metres.

2) Has the local authority removed Permitted Development Rights for this property?

Permitted Development is a national right for homeowners to make improvements and alterations without needing planning permission, however projects still have strict rules to follow. A local council can remove Permitted Development rights when they wish to control the development in a certain area.

If Permitted Development Rights have been removed by the Local Authority this means that you must apply for Planning Permission for your development.

3) Has the property maximised its’ Permitted Development?

Within the parameters of your property, you are not allowed to use more than 50% of the land around the original property. Therefore, advice from an experienced professional regarding your development plans is vital to ensure the best possibility for a successful Planning Application.

4) Is your property in an area of ‘Outstanding Natural Beauty, in a conservation area or is it a listed building?

Your property may be in an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty which is land that is protected by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. This act protects the land to conserve and enhance its natural beauty such as a National Park i.e., North Yorkshire. Or your property may be in a Conservation Area, which is an area of special architectural or historic interest which is worthy of preservation. Or you may live in a listed building, which are buildings or structures that have been judged to be of national importance in terms of their architectural or historic interest. For all three of these situations, you will need to apply for Planning Permission if you are planning any alterations or developments to your property.

Visit our website for some more information on how we can work with you on your planned development.

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